Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Standard Bank Nails It With Afrocentric Ad Campaign

Call it love at first sight! The new Standard Bank ad campaign is a stroke of pure genius. As the African narrative moves from pity to "lets exploit the opportunity", Standard Banks ad reminded me of the need to look beyond hype and shallow interests. To the uniformed, Africa is an exotic place that dances between war, political strife, corruption, wild animals and other sorts. But to us Africans this is home. This really resonates with me as l've often felt that beyond hype, greed, or fear are real human beings. In every sensationalist report are human beings that are just trying to get on with life.

Kudos to Standard Bank;

They call it "Africa", 
we call it home.

In a rather strange fashion, the social media team at the bank has failed to upload the ad on Youtube. You can instead view it here:

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